Weather Stations Trouble Shooting Tips you Might Find Useful

A weather station is an assembly of various equipment that work in harmony to produce a concise data. Sometimes the station may display abnormal readings or not display anything at all due to mechanical hitches. This doesn’t imply that the station is faulty but it simply means something is not alight.

Machines requires regular maintenance and a weather station is no exception. However, since we aren’t all endowed with all the machinery work involved in building and assembling of the gadget, many people therefore tend to cower. Most of the times, some of these defaults can be fixed by the user by simply correcting and adjusting some settings.

Check some of the defaults and the best solutions that a weather station owner can apply.


Console defaults

Though not a common problem, you might notice that the console is not displaying anything despite being switched on. If this happens, first check the power supply to ensure that it’s receiving adequate power secondly, the problem might be a loose connection and tightening the loose ends might eliminate the problem. If this still doesn’t work. Check the batteries and change them if they’ve run out of charge.

A common problem though is that of a console displaying dashes instead of displaying weather data. Mainly, this results from inability of the console to receive data or a problem with the sensors hence not transmitting data.

To remedy this, you need to thoroughly check the sensor suit and check whether things like the proximity of the sensor from the console might be root cause of the problem.

Sometimes, you’ll notice that the brightness of the screen gets dull by the day and you are always straining your eyes when reading the weather data. Before making a call to your technician to examine the problem, change the batteries of the console and you might just solve the problem that easy.


Temperature defaults

The outside temperature might just be normal but your console might be reading too high temperature that is by all means unrealistic. Your first reaction should this occur is to check whether there is any radiant Materia near the sensor.

Check also the calibration readings and adjust them properly as this might also be the cause of the mishap.


A times, this might happen the other way round where the console reading will indicate that the room temperature is at the freezing point even in normal temperature. There might be two reasons for such bizarre readings. One, the problem might be the location of the temperature sensor or the console itself being located near a cooling system. The other reason might be wrong setting of the calibration numbers.

Check the location of the temperature sensor and see if the problem is solved. If you are still getting wrong readings, then adjust the calibration reading and you’ll have solved the problem.


Other common defaults

You might have noticed that your console is giving wrong sunrise and sun set time reading. The usual problem here is wrong time setting that can easily be adjusted. You only need to check on the time zone depending on your location. Adjust also the latitude, longitude as well as daytime savings. They’ll better the accuracy level of your reading.

A times, you’ll find that the console is giving incoherent wind direction data and instead displays dash signs only. The problem here is the sensor and therefore you should check whether there is a hitch with the installation. Check also the cables and replace them if they are faulty. The anemometer might also be causing the holdup and you need to consult a professional to confirm its working condition.

In conclusion

Before swearing that you’ll never set foot in the store that sold you the station for short changing you by selling you a faulty weather station. These tips will help you maintain your weather station and keep on receiving accurate data

The weather station might be a strong gadget but some of the components including the sensors are fragile and therefore some of these hitches are deemed to happen. Besides ensuring that all the sensors are installed properly, having some maintenance knowledge will save you from hiring a profession for repair every time your station fails to deliver.

Hot Leads when Investing in Weather Stations

The first-rate home weather stations universally grants similar features such as a premium set of weather observation devices and commonly an application or panel of some type to monitor, store and share vital weather information. As you can see, you can’t just go to the market and pick a certain brand quickly without any well-informed decision.

What should be your purpose when buying a home weather station?

The greatest consideration to carefully contemplate on is what you need your personal weather forecast device for. It is important to think about if you’re searching for something basic merely to obtain an idea of the current weather inside or outside your home.

Some questions or factors you need to ask yourself may include the following:

  • Do you love gardening and would like to monitor weather conditions to ensure that your plants or crops are growing in an excellent environment?
  • Do you love outdoor activities and would like to check out when is the right time to do your adventures?
  • Or if you’re a weather buff who simply wishes to monitor the weather closer and make some comparisons of your observations to others close by.

Assuredly, all of the above are quite significant factors when deciding which kind of station you literally require.

At the very least, you’ll surely opt for a weather forecast device that could guarantee the following:

  • Gauge rainfall
  • Measure humidity as well as outdoor temperature
  • Gauge the direction and speed of the wind
  • Barometric pressure

Needless to say, the ones mentioned above are regarded as the fundamentals that any weather forecast device should possess. Take into account that other specifications rely on your preferences.

It is crucial for consumers to find the most use out of the following:

  • Nearly most home weather forecast devices provide dew point measurements as component of humidity and temperature
  • Ultraviolet and solar radiation
  • Humidity and indoor temperature


By the same token, home weather forecast devices will at comes be equipped with other specifications; however, for most these are not required. If you stay outside more frequently, stations that gauge solar radiation, ultraviolet index or a version that could detect nearby lighting are advantageous for you.

Indeed, farmers and gardeners may look for a temperature sensor and one that comes with an interspersed soil moisture feature. On the other hand, if you own a pool, opt for stations that come with water temperature sensor to keep track of the best period when to go for a swim.

Go for a station that is equipped with WiFi thermometer and comes with a hygrometer or remote monitoring features – this is ideal pick if you solely wish to check out the humidity and temperature within your residence. At the very least, carefully ensure humidity, temperature and barometric pressure if you are currently searching for a station that comes with a handheld unit. Likewise, these will also provide you an altimeter reading that is quite useful for climbing as well as hiking purposes.

One more indispensable specification is precision, since a personal weather forecast device is not useful if it inaccurately gauges various weather conditions. Once you invested in an accurate weather forecast device, then you can say that you’ve got your money’s real worth!

Essentially, the type of outdoor and indoor thermometers and weather forecast devices that you come across with at local stores are commonly far less precise as compared to professional grade stations. The reason behind this is because less expensive versions are merely manufactured for affordability without considering much on durability and precision. Evidently, this only makes them a not-so-wise investment to splurge in.

When it comes to distance and connection, weather forecast devices in the past came in two types: wireless and wired. At present, most stations are wireless and they generally operate through WiFi or Bluetooth connection. Evidently, wireless models are more excellent since users have greater flexibility in terms of the location where to put the sensors and this is helpful to obtain more precise readings.

Now that you have some detailed guides on what to factor in when buying a home weather forecast device for you, see to it that you are well-aware of what you’re going to use it for. Good luck on your purchase!